๐ŸฆTwitter Scams

Crypto Twitter is the place to be for Crypto news, influencer shills and generally keeping your ear to the ground, but it's also rife with frauds and scammers trying to rob you of your hard earned ETH

Fake Accounts

Getting Tagged

Often you'll find yourself getting tagged in twitter posts about the best project since sliced bread. You and half a dozen other twitter accounts will be lucky enough to be tweeted to directly about the next 1000x project! How convenient! No! ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿฟ This is just a lazy way of shilling shit tokens, bots or users with nothing better to do tag multiple users in replies or tweets, with a standard shill template for XYZ token, it's probably a rug or a pump and dump. Do your own research, use this toolkit, ape responsibly. You know the drill! Ignore, block and/or report these punk assed shiller bots.

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